Friday, January 27, 2012

The use of social media in jury trials

This article intrigued me.

The way I see it, social media has forever changed the way we practice law. I realize this is not an earth shattering statement. However, when one considers the implications of what social media has done for the future of jury trials, this is a powerful statement.

Surely, before the technology age, public opinion was used to develop trial strategy. I have previously discussed how powerful a tool twitter has become for the dissemination of important information. But did anyone ever envision, when sites such as twitter and facebook were created, that social media would be used in such a powerful way? Is the use of twitter in this manner a positive direction for the future of jury trials?

Perhaps. I suspect that the use of social media makes us better attorneys.

On a related note, there will be a legal chat on twitter on this topic today at 11am (information found here.

1 comment:

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